
My first encounter with Reiki happened by chance.  After a difficult birth, I took my new-born son to an appointment and the therapist intuitively sensed that it was me that needed treatment recommending that I see a Reiki practitioner.  My journey with Reiki began.

My first Reiki session had a profound effect on my life.  It was with a wonderful Reiki practitioner, Carol, and I felt like layers of emotional baggage had been peeled away during the session. 

I believe it opened my heart and mind, slowly but surely, to my true purpose in life and helped me to connect with my core self.  It was the start of my journey with Reiki.

I continue to have regular Reiki sessions, as apart from feeling that I am having a “re-set” emotionally and physically each time, it also takes me into a deep state of relaxation.  So how does that work? The neurons (cells) in our brain communicate with each other by electrical charges which we can see this in the form of brain waves.  Alpha waves (8-13 hz) occur when we are relaxed and calm, and it is during this Alpha state that healing can take place in the body. Calming the body and mind is essential for good healing.  Alpha waves calm the nervous system, and lower the heart rate and blood pressure.  It has been proved that Reiki and meditation take the body into the Alpha state.

When giving Reiki, practitioners have been shown to emit electro or bio-magnetic energy from their hands. The frequencies of energy seem to correspond to those that have been identified in medical research as being the optimum frequencies for stimulating the healing process in tissues, bones and other parts of the body.  Brain waves are not confined to the brain but travel though the body via the perineural system.

Reiki and meditation benefit everyone and there are countless studies to substantiate this.  Studies, by Dr Robert Becker and Dr John Zimmerman, found that not only do the brain wave patterns of practitioner and receiver become synchronised in the Alpha state, but they pulse in unison with the earth’s magnetic field, known as the Schuman Resonance.  We are all connected.

Someone who is continuing with scientific research into Reiki is Torsten A Lange, founder and director of The Reiki Academy in London.  He has taught thousands of students and done extensive research into Reiki even identifying the vibrational levels on which Reiki works.  But if it’s proof you need, then why not just experience it for yourself.

For each person, a Reiki session is a different unique occurence, as we are after all individuals.  You may not have the profound experience that I did, but Reiki will give to you what you need. You may experience some emotional shifts or some physical healing.  Reiki as a therapy works on the whole person, the mind, body, soul.  Emotional layers can be released, clarity can be achieved and you may become more aware of your life’s purpose.  Whatever your session brings you can only be beneficial and leave you in a better state of well-being.

Reiki helps re-connect you with the power and peace within yourself.

Reiki changed my life.  It could change yours.

Penarth Clinic

Penarth Clinic

Foothills Reflexology

Wellspace Penarth
Albert Road
CF64 1FD

Penarth Clinic

Foothills Reflexology

Wellspace Penarth
Albert Road
CF64 1FD


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Phone: 07949 272 958